Emanuel Synagogue seeks to serve all Jews of greater central Oklahoma--unless they are served by another synagogue--by providing religious services, cultural programming, educational opportunities, volunteering positions, and a sense of community. It is not necessary to be a member of Emanuel Synagogue in order to benefit from this amazing Jewish community. However, membership is a mutually beneficial arrangement, whereby a Jewish individual, couple, or family and the synagogue community pledge to support each other. By "becoming a member," or "joining the Synagogue," you make regular financial contributions to fund Synagogue building maintenance, programming costs, religious school tuition, and employee salaries. In return, the Synagogue is able to offer you more services at a discount or without charge, is able to offer scholarships for children's Jewish activities, and is better able to focus on enhancing your Jewish experience. For information about joining the Synagogue, please contact the chairperson of our Membership Committee by filling out the form below: |
Although some religions use the language of "joining" or "becoming a member" to mean conversion to that religion or denomination from the outside, Synagogue "membership" is different than conversion to Judaism. Becoming Jewish requires more than a year of study with our rabbi, as well as the performance of proper rituals under the supervision of a beit din (a Rabbinic court of three) and routine participation in Synagogue life over a period of months. If you are not Jewish but are interested in conversion, please contact Rabbi Jacobson by filling out the form below. *Please note, Rabbi Jacobson can only perform conversions for people who regularly attend Emanuel Synagogue services and who live in Oklahoma. |